High Quality Dentistry Meets Unbeatable Patient Care

there’s a lot that makes Hopkins Dental Health different...
We’re not your average dentist’s office. State-of-the-art technology, personalized care, and a plan.
It’s more than just a check-up every 6 months. It’s a lifelong relationship and an investment in you. Committed to providing the highest quality care, we’re constantly learning new ways to leverage our technology for your health.
We take the word practice seriously. A healthy mouth is key to your overall health, and at Dental Health, our practice delivers consistent dental care you can trust.
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Why We’re Different
A comprehensive approach utilizing advanced technology, always with your best experience in mind.
Why Choose Us
A passionate team that’s dedicated to your long-term oral health.
Core Values
Aligning with our patient’s goals, we create beautiful and confident smiles.
Enhance your smile with customized care
Technical practices you won’t find anywhere else
Backed by a team that is invested in you
What We Do
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Our Services

Cosmetic Dentistry
We believe you should never hide your smile. Our approach begins with the end in mind, partnering with the top ceramists, creating beautiful results.

Implant Dentistry
Like the rest of our body, our teeth often wear down with age similar to other injuries, sometimes resulting in tooth loss. The good news is that our personalized approach takes your unique needs into account to reverse the damage with dental implants

Family Dentistry
Regular cleanings and imaging are critical to your oral health. Think of it as preventative maintenance. These services can help identify issues early to minimize their impact and prevent major problems from developing.
What Our Patients Say
Kate Moore
Erica Short
Debra Hohly

Get In Touch With Us!
Schedule an Appointment
Accepting New Patients
Call or Text Us Today! (816) 531-1648
Our Main Office
460 Nichols Rd., Ste. 375
Kansas City, MO 64112